Stewardship | Advocacy | Fellowship | Education

We are the Oregon Small Woodlands Association

Welcome to OSWA

We are an organization made up of Oregon small woodland owners who practice and believe in:

  • The strength of peer to peer communication between landowners

  • The strength of partnerships in addressing and solving common problems

  • The strength of a unified effort to address legislative and regulatory challenges

OSWA members are individuals, families, or companies who want to connect and network with other property owners in their county, state, and region. Please join us!

Upcoming Events

We provide our members with:

  • Opportunities to get together with others with similar interests and to collaborate with others on a variety of common issues

  • Resources for current information and technologies

  • Representation to the state legislature, state agencies, and state boards and commissions

  • Collaboration with sister organizations at the state, regional, and federal level

  • A common voice on all issues important to Oregon’s small woodland owners

  • Opportunities to participate in developing forest carbon markets, should they decide to do so

For more information about our Member Benefits, and learn about what OSWA has to offer, follow these links:

Leave a legacy.

Become a member.

Becoming a member is more than just financial support.

• It’s a community of people invested in our state’s forests
•  It’s resources for your woodlands
•  It’s collaboration with sister organizations
•  It’s representation in our legislature

Still unsure?
Click Here to talk with a
member who can answer your questions!

“The shared dream of woodlands ownership can be shattered with the death of one’s spouse.  I am forever grateful for the education, tools, and fellowship that OSWA has provided allowing me to continue the dream and really survive!”

- Anonymous

“Why do I like being a member of OSWA? I enjoy the camaraderie and knowing that I am with a group of people doing the same things I’m doing. And, maybe they are doing it with more expertise. I learn from them.”

- Anonymous

“I’m grateful that I’m being represented in the Oregon legislature by OSWA and members who volunteer to testify on issues important to me. What a great investment.”

- Anonymous

“The purpose of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association is to help members understand and manage their property to achieve their goals. We all have stories of failures and successes to share. Large property or small, new to forestry or not, you have a story to tell, too.”

- Anonymous