Upcoming events

Purchasing Panel - Yamhill County
Purchasing Panel
Jay Sandman, Boise Cascade Log Buyer
Craig Richards, Northwest Hardwoods Buyer
Ken Nygren, Bell Timber Pole Buyer
Time: TBD

Joint OSAF-LCSWA Meeting
Join us for an evening of good conversation and learning a bit more about timber taxation in Oregon.

Spray Smart: Calibration, Application & Record-Keeping
Take control of unwanted vegetation with confidence! This hands-on workshop will teach you the essential skills for safe and effective herbicide application in forestry and land management.

Prescribed Fire Training
Hello woodland stewards, partners and interested folks,
Are you interested in a prescribed fire training?
Chris Adlam PhD regional fFire Specialist is holding a workshop series April (4-6) that is open to all. It’s going to be very hands-on, but no experience is necessary. It won’t be enough for people to go from zero to ready-to-burn-their-land but it’ll be a good overview of the basic skills!
It’s going to be at Siskiyou Field Institute in Selma. I attached the flyer. People can reach out to Chris for a scholarship if the $50 registration fee is an obstacle.

Woodland Management Series
Woodland Management, Taking Care of a Woodland Property. We will cover: How to assess your property and your site, understanding tree biology and forest ecology, reforestation considerations, caring for an established forest, fire defensible space, contracts and how to hire someone to get the job done, laws and regulations, field trip to see examples of things learned in class.
Fridays: April 4, 11, 18, 25. 3-5pm. (Field day, Saturday April 26th. 10 am-2pm). Curry County Extension Office, 29390 Ellensburg Ave, Gold Beach, OR 97444. Cost for the course is $50 per person or $60/family sharing class materials. Visit https://beav.es/N4L for dates, details and registration. Contact Norma.Kline@oregonstate.edu for questions.

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
April 8, 2025
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Emerald Ash Borer Training for Landowners
Join us for a workshop for landowners on the management considerations of Emerald Ash Borer in the Willamette Valley.

Fresh Starts: The Role of Young Forests in Wildlife & Land Management - LANE COUNTY
Join us for a field tour exploring how forests grow back after harvest or wildfire!
We’ll visit different properties—both public and private—to see how young forests take shape and provide habitat under different conditions.

Wildflower Walk in the Woods with Susan Applegate
Wildflower Walk in the Woods with Susan Applegate on her Applegate Century Farm in Scotts Valley
Thursday, April 17, 10-12:00
Dress for conditions! Bring a field guide book, Magnifying glass, Water, Brown bag lunch, Camera, Notebook, and a Sense of Adventure!
We will walk through a recently thinned, mature Douglas-fir Forest, across fields, past ponds lined and teeming with native flora and fauna, including Western Pond Turtles, continuing through a recently cleared oak woodland along Elk Creek, and back in a loop. Many wildflower discoveries are waiting to be made.
Come join us!
Directions to the wildflower walk will be provided with registration
Call or email by Mon, April 14.
or 541-459-1402
Check our website: oswa.org/douglas

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Dinner meeting, 5:00 PM
Topics to be determined. Please RSVP.
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Prune Like a Pro: Essential Pruning Techniques for Woodlands
Pruning is more than just cutting branches—it’s about knowing the right cuts to make at the right time.

Lane County Annual Meeting
Plans are in the works for our Annual Members Meeting—and we hope you’ll plan to join us!

Yamhill Annual Meeting
Yamhill County Small Woodlands Association Annual Meeting
Elections, Member Meeting, Optional $20 meal
Speaker TBD

Fresh Starts: The Role of Young Forests in Wildlife & Land Management - DOUGLAS COUNTY
Join us for a field tour exploring how forests grow back after harvest or wildfire!
We’ll visit different properties—both public and private—to see how young forests take shape and provide habitat under different conditions.

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
June 10, 2025
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Family Forest Convention
Check back here for more information about this year’s Family Forest Convention and our Tree Farmer of the Year Tour at Pam & Jock Dalton’s Tree Farm.

Fox Tree Farm Summer Tour - Douglas County
Fox Tree Farm Summer Tour
Saturday, July 19, 9:00-1:00
Tree Farmer of the Year 1997
-200 Acres Mechanical Thinning
-Redwood Planting 2007
-Pond Development
-Off-Grid New Home
Registration Required by Friday, July 11
9:00 Social with Coffee and Doughnuts by AgWest
10-12:00 Tree Farm Tour
12:00 Lunch provided by the Douglas Chapter and the Fox Family
Directions to tree farm provided upon registration.

Columbia Summer Picnic
Columbia County Chapter Summer Picnic
Save the date- more details to come!
Please RSVP to Mark Dreyer

Forest Foraging - Columbia and Yamhill Counties
A joint event with Yamhill and Columbia county chapters.
Forest Foraging with Michelle Schmitz.
23515 Beaver Falls Rd Clatskanie. Potluck lunch.
RSVP to darcydavis4oswa@gmail.com

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Columbia County Chapter Annual Meeting
Columbia County Annual Meeting 5pm
Quincy Grange Dinner
Elections, program,
Please RSVP to Mark Dreyer

Coos-Curry Annual Meeting
Coos-Curry Chapter of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association
Stewardship, Advocacy, Fellowship, Education
International Day of Forests
Annual Meeting 2025, Friday, March 21
Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Program 6:30 p.m.
The Oregon Coast Culinary Institute, 1988 Newmark Ave, Coos Bay
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Guest Speakers, Board Elections, Volunteer Recognitions, Forestry Scholarship News
Fun, Fellowship, Education, and Eats
RSVP by Monday, March 10
*Dietary accommodations available with advanced registration notice
RSVP or Questions
Bob or Joyce Beers at jbeers9843@aol.com or (541) 396-3577
Cash or check only -No Credit Cards
“Woodland Owners Who Love Their Land”
Come Join Us!

Goods from the Woods - Douglas County
Join our celebration of International Day of Forests with an informative and relaxing walking tour through the Glide Educational Forest.
This free event invites you to discover the fascinating uses of native plants, guided by a variety of experts.
Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and enrich your understanding of the plants we often overlook.

Umatilla Morrow Annual Meeting
Save the date! More info to come about times, agenda, and location. See you there!

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
March 11, 2025
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

26th Annual Seedling Sale - Columbia County
Columbia County Small Woodlands Association
26th Annual Seedling Sale
Thousands of trees, shrubs and ornamentals!

Woodland Information Night
Woodland Information Night
Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 6 to 8 pm
Location: Starker Room (PFSC 117), Peavy Forest Science Center*
Oregon State University
*Address for the building is 3100 SW Jefferson Way with parking south of the building off of SW Washington Way or SW 30th St. Parking is free on campus after 5pm.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
Kayla Bordelon, the Regional Fire Specialist with OSU Extension, will share about recent movement towards the establishment of a Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) in the mid-valley.
Matt Mills of ODF will discuss the status and management strategies for dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and the Mediterranean Oak Borer (MOB).
Stephanie Rice, Natural Resource Conservation Service, will explain NRCS assistance programs to develop a management plan, obtain financial assistance to improve stand health and resilience, and improve habitat for wildlife.
Claire Fox and Anna Conerly, Greenbelt Land Trust, will discuss the goals of conservation easements which protect critical habitat on land that is actively managed for both forestry and wildlife.
Jarod Jebousek, US Fish and Wildlife Service, will explain the Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program available to private landowners and the role of the USFWS to restore and maintain wildlife habitat in our area.

OSWA Lobby Day
SAVE THE DATE for our Lobby Day at the Oregon Capitol. Plans are in the works and details will be forthcoming, so check back here to learn more!

Lincoln County Native Seeding Sale
The Lincoln County Small Woodlands Association will host their annual native tree seedling sale on Saturday. March 1 st 2025
Location: Table Mountain Forestry Shop; 247 NE Highway 20, Toledo (South side of hwy if at stop light)
Time: Sale hours are 10am – 2pm or until supply runs out
At this sale a number of native tree seedlings and some native shrub species will be available. This annual event is designed to provide the public with affordable native tree seedlings, promote natural resource conservation awareness, to raise funds for our OSWA chapter and education activities. Most seedlings will be $2.00. Contact Joe Steere jsteere5050@yahoo.com
Douglas fir, Noble Fir, Grand Fir, Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Incense Cedar, Port Orford Cedar, Sitka Spruce, Colorado Spruce (blue & limited) Giant Sequoia (limited), are the conifer offered. Looking for Coastal Redwood, inquire. Pacific Willow, Oregon White Oak, Oregon Ash are the deciduous offerings Red Osier Dogwood, Mock Orange, Nutka Rose, Twinberry, Ocean Spray, Western Service Berry, Indian Plum, Cascara, Red Flowering Currant, Snow Berry and Swamp rose are the forbs offered.
Larger orders 100 – 200+ of Douglas Fir, Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar and Western Hemlock, should be available, but limited.

Landmapper and You - Yamhill County
Landmapper and You
Jake Barker, OSU Extension Agent for Yamhill County
Note: Bring phone, laptop, etc. Chromebooks available.

What Can I Build on My Land? - Benton County
What Can I Build on My Land? Saturday, February 22 9:30-12
Join the Benton Small Woodlands Chapter on Saturday, February 22 as Rich Clark recounts his experience with land clearing, road repair, and getting a pole building approved and up on his tree farm.
He will also share his experience with bringing in power, which required drilling under Wilson Creek. We’ll also see his progress on well drilling and the development of a spring for drinking water.
We will discuss general guidelines and things to consider.
• Dave Johnson, from Cojo Services in Lebanon, did the excavation work, and will be on hand to answer questions.
• Josh Cantrell, who runs Mid-Valley Woodsmen, will be on hand to demo a grapple skid steer, as well as a ‘spider lift’, used primarily for arborist type of work.
• What to know about drilling a well
• Ideas on how to develop a spring for drinking water
• See interesting equipment in action
Location: Wilson Creek Tree Farm
In Alsea, turn left on Deadwood Highway, drive 2.5 miles. Turn left on Fudge Road (it is the south end of Fudge Road). The event is down the 2 nd driveway on the right, look for an event marker. Park on Fudge Road
Anyone with physical limitations, please drive onto the property (in fact, this is a good tour for anyone with limitations, as it will be primarily near the building site)
**Cookies by Robin! **
Bring a friend!

OSWA at Oregon Logging Conference
Come see us at the Oregon Logging Conference February 21-22, 2025 at the Lane Events Center and Fairgrounds, Eugene, Oregon

Chainsaw Clinic with Terry Lamers
February 15: Chainsaw Clinic with Terry Lamers
On Saturday, February 15, starting at 1 p.m., Terry Lamers will host an in-depth chainsaw clinic at the Lamers Tree Farm, 11400 Monmouth Highway in Monmouth. Terry has amassed over 12,000 hours on chainsaws worldwide and has set up shops in Oregon, Alaska, and even Cameroon. Whether you’ve never operated a saw or you’re a seasoned veteran, you’ll find something useful in this workshop.
Key topics include recognizing and preventing dangerous kickback (Terry will demonstrate one intentionally), choosing the right drive sprocket (there’s a safer option most folks don’t know about), understanding saw chain types and sharpening methods (file vs. machine), learning about various bar rail grinders, and selecting suitable gas and oil blends. Terry will also cover safety features that help prevent chronic conditions like Raynaud’s syndrome, give a quick overview of electric saws, and answer your questions. If you bring your own saws, bars, or chains, Terry can evaluate them on the spot. If you have safety glasses, please bring them along. Please bring a folding chair to sit on during the talk.
The clinic is in a warm shop, and there’s a restroom available. For more details, contact Terry at 503-930-3946.

Linn County Seedling Sale
Welcome to our 2025 Seedling Sale!
Linn County Small Woodlands Association (LCSWA) will host the 30th annual tree and shrub seedling sale on February 15, 2025 at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center in Albany, Oregon. You can pre-order from this shop until January 31, 2025.
We have a few new seedling offerings this year including Oregon White Oak, tall Oregon grape, and Western Huckleberry. Order early as some quantities may be limited. We anticipate that there will be additional tree and shrub seedlings for purchase on the sale/pickup day.
This year the conifer seedling selections will be offered as greenhouse-grown plugs rather than bare root stock. Seedlings grown as a plug have a soil mass surrounding the roots, are easier to plant, and have a higher survival rate. We also plan to offer native shrubs and perennials with an emphasis on plants beneficial to pollinators.
Pricing for our seedlings is reasonable as we buy in bulk directly from wholesale nurseries. The seedling sale is a fundraiser for LCSWA to offer college scholarships to Linn County students with forestry and conservation majors. It also provides annual funding for 4-H scholarships. These local 4-H students, their parents, and LCSWA members provide a volunteer workforce to make the sale a success. For more information, please contact us via the seedling sale contact form.
Pre-orders can be placed online at the LCSWA seedling shop starting Monday, December 9 through January 31, 2025.
All pre-orders must be picked up on February 15 between 8:00-11:00 at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center.

Columbia County Haul Seedlings
Time to be determined. Haul Seedings at Nys Barn and St Helens. More info to come.

Dig In: Grow Your Forest Planting Skills
Get your hands dirty and learn to plant the future! This hands-on workshop is perfect for anyone whgo wants to develop practical forestry skills and ensure successful forest regeneration.

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
February 11th, 2025
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Rd, Rainier OR

Truffle Hunting Tour with North American Truffling Society
Marion/Polk County Joint Truffle Hunting Tour with North American Truffling Society
On Sunday, February 9th, from noon to 3 p.m. the North American Truffling Society will hold a foray on the Sullivan Tree Farm at 12875 Kings Valley Highway (which is just west of Pedee and 15 miles south of Dallas). They will hunt for truffles and have invited OSWA members to tag along. We expect about 25 members of the society with six dogs to help sniff and dig, so it should be interesting to see what -- if anything -- they find, and how they go about looking for truffles. OSWA members are also welcome to attend. To sign up to attend this tour, please RSVP to drdavesullivan@gmail.com by February 8th at noon. Please note that this tour will begin at noon ... an earlier announcement incorrectly listed the start time at 1 p.m.

Benton Chapter Annual Meeting
Please join us for our Benton County Small Woodlands Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 11am to 2pm
At Mary’s River grange #685
24707 Grange Hall Rd
Philomath, OR 97370
REGISTER HERE: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/benton/events/benton-county-small-woodlands-
If you need assistance with registration, please contact Crystal Kelso at 541-713-5000

Lane County Chapter Board Meeting
Join us for our February Board meeting! (time is approximate, since we will meet after clean-up is finished from the Seedling Sale)

Seedling & Native Plant Sale
Join us for our Annual Seedling & Native Plant Sale! Timing is approximate as we will close up if we sell out earlier than 11am.

Douglas County 2025 Annual Meeting
Reserve by Jan 20 for the Douglas County Annual Meeting!

Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Columbia County Chapter Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
7:00 pm
Fern Hill Grange, Fern Hill Road, Ranier, OR

2024 Oregon Interagency Noxious Weed Symposium
The Oregon Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Control Program is excited to announcement that registration is open for 2024 Oregon Interagency Noxious Weed Symposium. Please join us December 10 thru 12, 2024 at the LaSells Stewart Center, in Corvallis, Oregon.
The Oregon Interagency Noxious Weed Symposium (OINWS) is a biennial event hosted by the Oregon Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Control Program to provide educational and networking opportunities for natural resource professionals working on invasive plant management in the Northwest.
Symposium sessions will include:
Oregon State Weed Board Meeting
Updates from other natural resource partners, federal agencies, and ODA Regional staff
Updates on: chemical and pesticide application
Research and techniques to help in future project planning
What’s new in: technology, climate change, and funding opportunities
Awards reception to recognize outstanding individuals in the field
Event schedule
December 10th from 10:30am to 12:00pm Oregon State Weed Board Meeting, lunch, INW 1:00 - 5:30pm, awards reception to follow
December 11th from 8:00am to 5:00pm
December 12th from 8:00am to 12:30pm
Early Registration Fee: $275.00, plus Eventbrite fee
Late Registration Fee after November 16: $325.00 + Eventbrite $23.65 Fee
This symposium will have pesticide applicator credits TBA*. You will only get pesticide recertification credits for the days that you attend.* Past years Oregon: 12-15 credits and 11 of those will be core credits, and Washington: 16 credits.