Stewardship | Advocacy | Fellowship | Education
Our vision is to see privately owned family woodlands a thriving part of Oregon’s landscape, both now and in the future!
The Oregon Small Woodlands Association is on mission to be an effective force in addressing statewide issues that are critical to family forestland owners by:
Educating and informing the owners of forest properties and the public regarding family forest management issues.
Providing a medium for the exchange of ideas about family forestland by landowners, the public, agencies, consultants, and timber industry personnel.
Serving as a forum to make recommendations for investigating and solving problems, and for improving forest management, harvesting, and marketing.
Representing the owners of family forestlands to the general public and before legislative bodies and regulatory agencies.
Membership with a Local Chapter
OSWA has 14 active chapters statewide. These chapters represent 20 counties made up of local members. Chapters are the cornerstone of OSWA. The chapters organize local activities and produce information tailored to local needs. This provides members the opportunity to meet with forest land owners who have similar challenges and benefits, and to gain knowledge from each others’ experience.
Chapter meetings, tours, workshops and classes give OSWA members a chance to meet and network with similarly minded people. Many chapters offer tree seedlings to their members, often at a discounted rate. You will meet some of the friendliest and dedicated individuals at these chapter sponsored activities!