Meet Some of the Partners
In 1991, the Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) to support and enhance Oregon’s forest products industry. The state agency provides forest and forest management education programs for the general public, K-12 teachers and students, and forest landowners.
OFRI supports the forest sector and the stewardship of natural resources by advancing Oregonians’ understanding of the social, environmental and economic benefits of our forests.
The Oregon Tree Farm System works to empower small landowners to mange their forests sustainably. with the goal of impacting the world by making Oregon a better place one acre at time.
Sustainability and stewardship are key to woodland owners who seek certification of their tree farms and family forests.
The mission of ODF is to serve the people of Oregon by protecting, managing, and promoting stewardship of Oregon's forests to enhance environmental, economic, and community sustainability.
Through local stewardship foresters and multiple online resources—including a Small Forestland Owner page—ODF provides guidance for woodland owners in both caring for their property and following Oregon’s Forest Protection Rules.
OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension
From county-based Extension Foresters to statewide programs like Master Woodland Managers, Women Owning Woodlands Network (WOWNet), and the Fire Program, OSU Extension brings the latest in forest science from the College of Forestry to the forest landowner, making technical research accessible and applicable to small woodland owners.
The Oregon Forest Industries Council is a trade association representing nearly 50 Oregon forestland owners and forest products manufacturers. OFIC’s members combine sustainable forest management practices with the latest science and technology to continuously improve the environmental, social and economic value of healthy working forests. We protect and manage more than three million acres of Oregon forestlands, protect employment of over 60,000 Oregonians and make Oregon the nation’s largest producer of softwood lumber, plywood and engineered wood.
OFIC promotes the industry’s leading role in delivering environmental and economic benefits while balancing the sustainable use of forest resources. We seek to ensure the multi-generational survival of healthy forests and successful communities through collaborative partnerships with policymakers, community leaders and advocacy organizations.
Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc. is the statewide trade association for logging and forest operator businesses, which is dedicated to providing voice and service to independent forest small businesses working across Oregon. AOL provides numerous programs and services that benefit member companies and their working families. Additionally, AOL advocates for effective policy and business success, as it advances professionalism of the sector.
AOL fosters programs of common interest for its members in their endeavors at business, safety, communication, education, policymaking, economy, insurance, stewardship, innovation, independence, operations, camaraderie, professionalism, advocacy, and forest industry success. In recent years its purpose has expanded to enhance the current and future success of the greater community of Oregon loggers and forest operators.