What Can I Build on My Land? Saturday, February 22 9:30-12
Join the Benton Small Woodlands Chapter on Saturday, February 22 as Rich Clark recounts his experience with land clearing, road repair, and getting a pole building approved and up on his tree farm.
He will also share his experience with bringing in power, which required drilling under Wilson Creek. We’ll also see his progress on well drilling and the development of a spring for drinking water.
We will discuss general guidelines and things to consider.
• Dave Johnson, from Cojo Services in Lebanon, did the excavation work, and will be on hand to answer questions.
• Josh Cantrell, who runs Mid-Valley Woodsmen, will be on hand to demo a grapple skid steer, as well as a ‘spider lift’, used primarily for arborist type of work.
• What to know about drilling a well
• Ideas on how to develop a spring for drinking water
• See interesting equipment in action
Location: Wilson Creek Tree Farm
In Alsea, turn left on Deadwood Highway, drive 2.5 miles. Turn left on Fudge Road (it is the south end of Fudge Road). The event is down the 2 nd driveway on the right, look for an event marker. Park on Fudge Road
Anyone with physical limitations, please drive onto the property (in fact, this is a good tour for anyone with limitations, as it will be primarily near the building site)
**Cookies by Robin! **
Bring a friend!