Upcoming events

Fresh Starts: The Role of Young Forests in Wildlife & Land Management - LANE COUNTY
Join us for a field tour exploring how forests grow back after harvest or wildfire!
We’ll visit different properties—both public and private—to see how young forests take shape and provide habitat under different conditions.

Fresh Starts: The Role of Young Forests in Wildlife & Land Management - DOUGLAS COUNTY
Join us for a field tour exploring how forests grow back after harvest or wildfire!
We’ll visit different properties—both public and private—to see how young forests take shape and provide habitat under different conditions.

2024 Lane County Tree Farmer of the Year Property Tour
Join us for a walking tour of John Dugan’s 25-acre property just outside Cottage Grove.

Starker Summer Tours: Forest Hike
Saturday July 27th - Forest Hike
Join Starker Forests for a free, guided forest tour! The group will meet at the Soap Creek Tree Farm north of Corvallis at 9 am, go for a hike through the forest, and arrive back at the cars by 11 am. The exact meeting location will be provided to the registrants. The tour includes up to a 2-mile walk where you will learn about a wide range of forestry topics and management practices. Remember to dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. As noted above, transportation to the forest is not provided. RSVP by calling 541-929-2477 or emailing recreation@starkerforests.com.

What You Need to Know About the New Oregon Forest Practice Rules
A 4-part series for small woodland owners: March 12 | April 11 | May 15 plus June 6 field tour.
Note: all workshops are free, but pre-registration (3 business days prior to each date) is required. See the event details for registration link.
JUNE 6 Field Tour: you will receive more information and the location when you register, but plan for all day!

Evening Wildflower Walk
An twilight stroll through May flowers at a small property outside Springfield.

YCSWA Schroeder Tree Farm Tour
Come join for an educational afternoon at Gooding Creek Parcel. Neil Schroeder, the landowner, will give a history of the property. That will be followed up with information from Matt Allen and Clint Robison about Advanced Wildfire Risk Reduction. Darin Smith, BPA, will talk about forest roads and Taylor Johnson, ODF, will share about Road Condition Assessment.
Open to the public. Any questions reach out to Darcy Davis.

YCSWA Property Tour Rydell Tree Farm
Join us as we spend time learning from each other at Rydell Tree Farm. Leonard Rydell will talk about the history of the property as well as landslide topography. Jacquelyn Schroder will talk about understory developemnt and wildflowers, and Dan Upton will share about the forestry cycle.
From 10:00am-Noon. RSVP to Darcy Davis.
Roseburg Mill Tour
From Seedling to Siding, Timber to Trusses: celebrate forestry innovation with a mill tour!

Amazing Architecture Made From Our Local Woods!
Join us for the opportunity to see two mass timber buildings at OSU’s College of Forestry: The Peavy Forest Science Center, home to the College, and the A.A. “Red” Emmerson Advanced Wood Products lab, home to TallWood Design Institute.

Twilight Walk in the Woods Tour & Potluck
Join DSWA for A Twilight Walk in the Woods Tour & Potluck.
Lane County 2023 Tree Farmer of the Year Tour
Join us for a fall morning walk of the Zeni Tree Farm!

YCSWA - A Day of Demos with Carbon Works Tree Service
A Day of Demos with Carbon Works Tree Service

Benton County 2023 Tree Farmer of the Year Tour
Join us to celebrate and learn from our 2023 Tree Farmers of the Year, Ann and Van Decker.

Dorena Genetic Resource Center Tour
Learn more about the USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetics Resource Center.

Linn County Tree Farmer of the Year Tour
Check the Linn County website for more details.

Douglas County 2023 Tree Farmers of the Year Tour
Douglas County’s 2023 Tree Farmers of the Year: Kesterson Bros. Logging Company | Kesterson Legacy - Big K Guest Ranch

Lincoln County Tree Farmer of the Year Tour, Lunch & Meeting
Join us for a pleasant morning & afternoon | Visit with Neighbors and Friends | Be updated on current events affecting us in the timber industry

Yamhill County Satalich Sisters, LLC Tree Farm Tour
Satalich Sisters LLC Tree Farm Tour
Honoring Mary Ann Nolan & Marcy Satalich as YCSWA 2023 Tree Farmers of the Year

Douglas County Farm-Forest Meet & Greet Picnic
Douglas County Farm-Forest Meet & Greet Picnic

Benton Annual Member Picnic
Save the date for our summer members’ picnic! Watch here for more details.
Lane County Tree Farmer of the Year Tour
For more information or to register for this event, go to https://www.lanesmallwoodlands.org/event-details/lane-county-tree-farmer-of-the-year-up-river-property-tour